Haber & Haber Law Firm

Haber & Haber was established with the aim of providing assistance to Clients in the areas of criminal, commercial, civil, family and inheritance law. Our activities include, among others, comprehensive representation of clients before courts as well as consulting in the form of providing legal advice both in the office and online. We also provide support in drawing up and concluding contracts.

The experienced team is leading by attorney and mediator Ewelina Baranowska-Haber and attorney Błażej Haber in cooperation with attorneys and legal advisers throughout the country. The office serves individuals, entrepreneurs and companies. We invite you to contact us in person at our office in Gdańsk or by phone, email or online, e.g. via Skype. Contact details can be found in the "Contact" tab.

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Meet the clients who have trusted our experience.
Contact us


ul. Kalinowa 43/1, 80-177 Gdańsk

phone 506 134 503
phone 510 404 334


HABER & HABER Law Firm Attorney Ewelina Baranowska-Haber

NIP: 5832994700
HABER & HABER Law Firm Attorney Błażej Haber

NIP: 5862079717


Bank account number: 69 1910 1048 2210 0272 7505 0001


In emergency cases (criminal law), we are available 24/7.

In the case of legal advice and assistance, we are also available online via the Internet (including Skype) and by phone.